13 edycja Festiwalu Kalejdoskop!

SWAN...LIKE II: Dying swan

Barbara Bujakowska

"Swan... like II: DyingSwan“ 


Spodki, WOAK Białystok, friday, april 8th, 6:30 PM



„I think I’m dreaming of myself.The only real is what I’m making up,and won’t even think of talking about this. These are the fields of white moss.external images called the fog and in my mind they are enormous gardens”(M.Halber)




Basia Bujakowska – 1983; freelance performer, dancer and choreographer .She graduated from the Institute for Dance Art at A.Bruckner University in Linz (Austria).She was also one year student of Salzburg Experimantal Academy of dance (P.F.P­SEAD).She was given the first award of Dolina Kreatywna – TV programme supporting young talents, and scholarships: of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, Solo Project and Alternative Dance Academy